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Важно! Цены указаны в условных единицах и датированы 2012 годом и , поэтому их надлежит умножить на курс НБ РБ, чтобы получить текущую в рублях.
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Те пластинки, которые обрели своего нового владельца, не удаляются, а только зачеркиваются, с сохранением цены, чтобы Вам легче было сопоставить свои запросы с моими возможностями.
При одномоментной покупке 10 и более LP, Вы получаете в подарок еще одну LP на выбор (стоимостью не больше минимальной из купленных).
Отправляю наложенным платежом по РБ (Беларусь) в одной регистрированной посылке из расчета 50 тыс. за 1 пластинку и + 10 тыс. за каждую последующую.
Возможна доставка в Москву, а т.ж. посылка почтой и ТК в Россию, Украину и т.д.
Писать, ссылаясь на номер интересующей LP в Личные Сообщения, но только по существу и обязательно с цитированием (кнопка такая есть [Ответить с цитатой]), иначе Ваше обращение будет проигнорировано!
Natali_sun:Заказывала The Kelly Family. Пластинка довольно редкая, покупала в подарок. Так вот. Заказ исполнен во время, состояние пластинки идеальное! Именинник был в восторге. Спасибо огромное!
sergegb:Заказал для проверки парочку пластинок. Скажу честно был приятно удивлён состоянием пластов и конвертов. Ожидал худшего за эти деньги. Цена за предлагаемый винил адекватная. Я остался доволен, рекомендую.
SergeM:Переодически покупаю пластинки с новых поступлений. Цена и качество очень устраивает. Радует что не скрывает реального состояния. Спасибо!
goroblood:Человек порядочный...Приятный в общении...Прикупил у него винил и ещё несколько заказал...Всем рекомендую...
fesco1:Купил у YasanBY хороший винил за доступные деньги. Спасибо!
goroblood:YasanBY как всегда на высоте...заказом доволен...Всем рекомендую...
sergegb:Сегодня очередной раз забрал свой заказ претензий нет. Купил уже с десяток пластинок у этого продавца
Liv:Спасибо YasanBY за хорошие пластинки и за приятное общение! Был даже выбор из нескольких экземпляров, цена вполне адекватна состоянию. Слушаю, наслаждаюсь!
WWWCephei:Купил я три пластинки. Они оказались с отличным добротным звучанием как и полагается винилу. Я уже покупал до этого у него некоторые вещи, и он вошел ко мне в доверие. Акустика вообще превзошла свои характеристики. Буду к нему обращаться.
Gurovka:Купила вчера .... отличная пластинка, спасибо
zvuuk:Благодарю Вас за пластинку ...., удовольствие от которой получил не только я, но и моя супруга, неожиданно проникшаяся материалом альбома )))
bobig:Спасибо состояние винила и конвертов отличные как и звук.
roma.g:Купил две пластинки, отличное состояние, большое спасибо!!!
van69:Сегодня взял "The Wall" (выбирал из трех) и Judas Priest. Первое - супер (и винил и Pink-и), второе еще не слушал, но, как понимаю, разочарован не буду. Всем удачи.
ferymm:На прошлой неделе купил винил в подарок другу. Продавец ответственный и своё дело знает на 5+
bobig:спасибо, винил заслушал,остался доволен.
AlekseyMaks:Очень доволен приобретённым пластинкам, качество и цена соответствуют, при случаи буду заказывать ещё!
leicaman:Купил несколько пластинок у этого продавца, остался крайне доволен всемb, спасибо большое, буду обращаться ещё!
roma.g:Спасибо за Genesis и Pink Floyd!!!
mrpakky86:Сегодня сделал покупку у YasanBY. Остался очень доволен качеством пластинки и состоянием конверта.Нашел винил группы, которую очень давно искал!Рекомендую всем!
Яшкин:...,хорошее качество,отличная пластинка.очень доволен.Спасибо
bobig:..... по звуку и состоянию замечателен, я доволен.
masterock:Вчера брал пару пластинок и остался доволен!Понравилось состояние и звучание!Теперь буду брать чаще
bobig:прослушал, состояние винила как новое, звук на высоте
Спасибо, все получил. Упаковано замечательно! Внешне качество полностью соответствует. Очень доволен! Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество.
Octagon:Спасибо за пластинку - Все SUPER !!!!
rm1:покупал Генезисы - 1974 (двойник) и Фокстрот. Очень доволен остался, спасибо!
avvn:Купил ... и .... Все отлично. Спасибо!
Jungo_by:Покупал два раза пластинки на подарок друзьям. Пластинки в отличном состоянии и по адекватной цене.
navrik:Брал пластинку другу в подарок. Спасибо, очень понравилось. Отличное качество и состояние, отношение YasanBY, все круто.
Sonycs:Сегодня купила пластинки ... и ....!!! Очень довольна результатом! Надеюсь еще не раз обратиться! Спасибо!
Piccadilly:на днях купил .... Спасибо. все отлично, рекомендую.
Uksus:Заказывал на днях пластинку. Получил по почте без всяких проблем. Понравилось, что не смотря на то, что диск старый, упакован он был основательно, даже кусок плотного картона был дополнительно прикреплен к пластинке для жесткости, и все это было вложено в толстый конверт.
VanDo:Буквально вчера купили пластинку ...., отличный альбом, отличное качество. Очень понравилось все, точно еще будем покупать здесь.
chevengoor:Недавно купил у пластинку Yello. Покупкой доволен в высшей степени. Долго искал этот винил. Качество отличное.
Nik999Met:Большое спасибо !!! С такими людьми приятно общаться и иметь дело ! Купил у него пластику, качество супер!!! Заказал еще несколько пластов. Состояние винила полностью соответствует написанному ! Рекомендую ВСЕМ !!!!!!!!!!
[ВК] Валера, Гомель
[Nik999Met] Николай, Бобруйск
Важно! Продолжение смотрите на VinPlaza
932. Chris Rea. On The Beach. 1986. Magnet (DE) = 15 Example - On The Beach
931. Boney M. Kalimba de Luna. Spec. Ext. U.S. Club Mix. 1984. Hansa (DE) = 12 (Maxi, 45rpm) Ex. - Kalimba de Luna
930. DJ Revolution. King Of The Decks. 2008. Duck Down (US, 2xLP, [Hip Hop]) = ? Example - King of The Bridge
929. Ugly Duckling. Audacity. 2008. Fat Beats (US, 2xLP, [Hip Hop]) = 45 Example - I Won't Let It Die
928. Mitchell Brothers. A Breath Of Fresh Attire. 2005. Beats (UK, 2xLP, [Hip Hop]) = 45 Example - G.O.R.G.I.E.
927. King Britt. Adventures In Lo-Fi. 2003. Rapster (UK, 2xLP, [Hip Hop]) = 45 Example - Caught Out
926.Traffic. When The Eagle Flies. 1974. Island (UK) = 23 (NM-)
925. Smokie. The Very Best of. 1991. Arcade (DE, Compilation) = 17 Example - I'll Meet You, Needles And Pins, etc.
924. Sting. The Dream of the Blue Turtles. 1985. A&M (DE, OiS) = 21 (NM-)
923. Omega. 200 Years After the Last War. 1974. Bacillus (DE, Quadraphonic, FOC) = 42 Example - Suite
922. The Animals. House Of The Rising Sun. 1970. Crystal (DE, Compilation) = 16 Example - House Of The Rising Sun
921. Jethro Tull. Catfish Rising. 1991. Chrysalis (GR) = 45 (NM-) Example - Still Loving You Tonight
920. Judas Priest. Unleashed In The East (Live In Japan). 1979. CBS (NL) = 23
919. America. View From The Ground. 1982. Capitol (CA) = 32
918. Disco Nights. 1978. K-Tel (DE, Compilation) = 14 Examples - Bonnie Tyler, Suzi Quatro, Boney M., Smokie, etc.
914-917. Chicago. 4 альбома по 14
913. Eagles. The Eagles. 1982. Asylum (DE) = 18
912. Manfred Mann's Earth Band. 1972. Bronze (DE) = 19
911. Deep Purple. Machine Head. 1972. HORZU (DE) = 27
910. Kiss. Alive II. 1977. Casablanca (DE, 2xLP) = 18
909. George Benson & Earl Klugh. Collaboration. 1987. Warner Bros. (DE, OiS) = 35 (NM)
907-908. Modern Talking. Hansa (DE) = по 16 (все 2 = 30) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
906. The Beatles. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. 1967. EMi (DE) = 60
904-905. Modern Talking. Hansa (DE) = по 12 (Maxi single, 45rpm)
903. Judas Priest. British Steel. 1980. CBS (NL) = 27
902. Judas Priest. Screaming for Vengeance. 1982. CBS (NL, OiS) = 27
901. Bad Boys Blue. The Fifth. 1989. Coconut (DE) = 60
898. Fancy. Flames Of Love. 1988. Metronome (NL) = 120
897. Army Of Lovers. Massive Luxury Overdose. 1991. Ultrapop (DE) = 35 (NM-) Incl. Hit - Crucified, Obsession, etc.
896. The Notting Hillbillies (with M.Knopfler, Dire Straits). Missing. 1990. Vertigo (NL, OiS) = 30 (NM)
895. Roger Waters. The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking. 1984. Harvest (DE, FOC, NM) = 55
894. Space. Deliverance. 1978. Hansa (DE) = 45 (Gatefold) (Incl. Hit - Deliverance)
893. Sandra. Close to Seven. 1992. Virgin (GR) = 75 (NM-)
892. Bonnie Tyler. Angel Heart. 1992. Hansa (DE) = 145 (NM)
891. Chilly. Come To L.A. 1979. Polydor (DE) = 135 (NM-)
889. Cretu. The Invisible Man. 1986. Virgin (DE, OiS) = 38 (NM-) Incl. Hit - Samurai, Gambit
888. London Boys. The Twelve Commandments of Dance. 1988. TelDec (DE) = 32 Incl. Hit - Requiem, London Night
887. Herbie Hancock. Future Shock. 1983. CBS (DE) = 27 (NM-) Incl. Hit - Rockit
886. AC/DC. High Voltage. 1976. Atlantic (UK, VG+) = 48 Incl. Hit - T.N.T.
885. Europe. The Final Countdown. 1986. Epic (NL, OiS) = 23 (NM-) Incl. Hit - The Final Countdown
884. Fleetwood Mac. Mirage. 1982. Warner Bros. (DE, Club) = 19 (NM-)
883. Manfred Mann. Angel Station. 1979. Bronze (DE, Club, NM-) = 24 Example - Don't Kill it Carol
881. Klaus Nomi. Simple Man. 1982. RCA (DE, OiS) = 24
880. The Rolling Stones. Sticky Fingers. 1971. RSR (DE, OiS) = 14
879. Wishbone Ash. Locked In. 1976. MCA (DE) = 13
878. Art of Noise. Who's afraid of the. 1984. Island (DE) = 18
877. Rick Springfield. Rock Of Life. 1986. RCA (DE, OiS) = 14
876. Procol Harum. Home. 1970. Intercord (DE) = 15
875. Earth Wind and Fire. Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe Tonight. 1973. Polydor (DE) = 23
874. The Beatles. Hey Jude. 1970. Apple (DE) = 25
873. The Doors. Morrison Hotel. 1970. Elektra (DE, NM-) = 27
871. Genesis. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. 1974. Charisma (DE, OiS with lyrics) = 35 (2xLP, VG-VG+, Gatefold)
870. Genesis. Selling England By The Pound. 1973. Virgin (DE, Gatefold with lyrics) = 22 (NM-/EX) Example - Firth Of Fifth
869. Bad Boys Blue. Bad Boys Best. 1989. Coconut (DE) = 40 (EX/NM, Compilation) Example - You're Woman
868. Deep Purple. Burn. 1974. Purple (DE) = 26 (VG+) и 55 (NM) Example - Sail Away
867. Pink Floyd. Relics. 1971. Music For Pleasure (NL) = 24 (NM-, Compilation 1967-1971)
866. Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Watch. 1978. Bronze (SP) = 16
865. Madonna. Like a Prayer. 1989. Sire (DE, OiS) = 19 Example - Like a Prayer
864. Cama De Gato. 1988. Rio (DE, White, Fusion, Contemporary Jazz) = 23 Example - Funchal
863. Supermax. Fly With Me. 1979. Elektra (DE) = 26 Example - African Blood
862. Billy Idol. Songs. 11 of the Best. 1988. Chrysalis (DE, OiS) = 17 Example - White Wedding
861. Sweet Smoke. Just a Poke. 1970. Columbia (DE) = 28
860. David Lee Roth. Eat 'Em and Smile. 1986. Warner Bros. (DE, OiS) = 22
859. Kiss. Debut. 1974. Casablanca (DE) = 33
858. Rick Springfield. Tao. 1985. RCA (DE, OiS) = 14 Example - Celebrate Youth
857. The Kinks. Low Budget. 1979. Arista (DE, NM-) = 16
856. Trend Sounds. 11 ext-d versions. 1987. Dino (DE) = 15 (Compilation) Example - London Boys, Mike Mareen, etc.
855. Pet Shop Boys. Disco. 1986. Parlophone (ECC, OiS) = 15
854. Pet Shop Boys. Behaviour. 1990. Parlophone (ECC) = 20
853. Modern Talking. The Modern Talking Story. 1987. Hansa (DE, Club, FOC, Compilation, NM) = 45
852. Toto. Isolation. 1984. CBS (NL, OiS) = 14 Example - Stranger in Town, Carmen
851. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD). Junk Culture. 1984. Virgin (ECC, OiS) = 14 Example - Junk Culture
850. Boney M. Eye Dance. 1985. Hansa (DE) = 50 Example - Young, Free And Single, Eye Dance
847. The Rolling Stones. Tattoo You. 1981. CBS (NL, OiS) = 22
845. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Green River. 1969. America Records (FR) = 28 Example - Green River
843. 10CC. Bloody Tourists. 1978. Mercury (DE) = 17 (NM)
842. The Cure. Three Imaginary Boys. 1979. Fiction (DE, OiS) = 26
841. Iron Maiden. The Number of the Beast. 1982. EMi (DE) = 13
840. Uriah Heep. Fallen Angel. 1978. Bronze (DE) = 22 (Gatefold) Including - Come Back To Me
835. Electric Light Orchestra. Time. 1981. Jet (NL, OiS) = 18 Example - Twilight, Ticket To The Moon
834. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE, OiS) = 20 Example - Vicious Games, Desire
833. Santana. Amigos. 1976. CBS (DE) = 14 (Gatefold)
830. Chris Norman. Some Hearts are Diamonds. 1986. Balkanton = 14 (NM-) Incl. Hit - Some Hearts are Diamonds
828. C.C.Catch. Welcome To The Heartbreak Hotel. 1986. Balkanton (Bulgaria) = 15 (NM-)
822. Procol Harum. Grand Hotel. 1973. Chrysalis (UK) = 22 (Gatefold, Booklet)
819. The Beatles. Love Songs. 1977. Odeon (DE) = 35 (2xLP) Example - Girl
816. Miles Davis. Porgy and Bess. 1958. CBS (NL, NM-) = 15 Example - It Ain't Necessarily So
815. Space. Deliverance. 1978. Hansa (DE) = 45 (Gatefold) (Incl. Hit - Deliverance)
812. Europe. The Final Countdown. 1986. Epic (NL) = 22 (NM) Incl. Hit - The Final Countdown
811. Styx. Cornerstone. 1979. A&M (NL) = 17 (Gatefold) Example - Boat On The River
810. Europe. The Final Countdown. 1986. Epic (NL, Club) = 24
809. Deep Purple. in Rock. 1970. Harvest (DE) = 13 (Gatefold)
808. Cerrone. Supernature. 1977. Orange (IR) = 33 Incl. Hit - Supernature
807. Judas Priest. Killing Machine. 1978. CBS (NL) = 18
806. Michael Jackson. Thriller. 1982. Epic (NL) = 25 (Gatefold)
805. Judas Priest. Sin after Sin. 1977. Columbia (NL) = 25
804. George Benson. Give Me The Night. 1980. Warner Bros. (DE) = 30
803. Patricia Kaas. Mademoiselle chante. 1988. Polydor (DE) = 40 Incl. Hit - Mon Mec A Moi
802. Chris Norman. Some Hearts are Diamonds. 1986. Hansa (DE) = 23 Incl. Hit - Some Hearts are Diamonds
801. Pink Floyd. A Collection Of Great Dance Songs. 1981. EMi (DE) = 18 (Compilation)
800. T.Rex. Greatest Hits. FUN (FR, VG+) = 17 (Compilation)
799. Dieter Bohlen. Rivalen der Rennbahn. 1989. Hansa (DE) = 25
798. Fancy. Flames Of Love. 1988. Metronome (NL) = 120
797. Silent Circle. No.1 1986. Don Disco (SP) = 100
796. Bad Boys Blue. Game Of Love. 1990. Coconut (DE) = 60
795. Bad Boys Blue. The Fifth. 1989. Coconut (DE) = 50
794. Bad Boys Blue. Love is no Crime. 1987. Coconut (DE, OiS) = 55
793. Bad Boys Blue. Heart Beat. 1986. Coconut (DE) = 55
791. Bad Boys Blue. Hot Girls, Bad Boys. 1985. Ariola (JP) = 70
790. Scorpions. Hot & Heavy. 1982. RCA (DE) = 16 (Copmilation)
787. Queen. News of the World. 1977. EMi (DE, FOC, OiS) = 26
785. Janet Jackson. Control. 1986. A&M (DE) = 17 (NM, Poster)
784. Fleetwood Mac. Mirage. 1982. Warner Bros. (DE) = 15
783. AC/DC. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. 1976. Albert Productions (AU) = 50
782. AC/DC. Who Made Who. 1986. Atlantic (DE, Compilation) = 16
780. AC/DC. High Voltage. 1976. Atlantic (DE) = 18
778. AC/DC. Power Age. 1978. Atlantic (DE) = 19
777. AC/DC. The Razor Edge. 1990. ATCO (DE) = 22
776. Warren Zevon. The Envoy. 1982. Asylum (DE) = 17 Example - The Hula Hula Boys
775. Ben Vaughn. Blows Your Mind. 1988. Enigma (EEC, NM-) = 16
774. Guns N' Roses. Appetite For Destruction. 1987. Geffen (DE, NM-) = 45
773. Santa Esmeralda. Another Cha-Cha. 1979. Philips (FR, NM) = 18
771. Metallica. One. 1988. Vertigo (UK, Maxi single, 45rpm) = 22
770. Ricchi & Poveri. Mamma Maria. 1982. Baby (DE) = 25 (NM) Incl. Hit - Piccolo Amore and Mamma Maria
769. Accept. Best of. 1983. Brain (DE) = 17
768. The Cult. Sonic Temple. 1989. Beggars Banquet (UK) = 24
767. John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, Paco De Lucia. Friday Night In San Francisco. 1981. Philips (NL) = 22
766. Yello. Claro Que Si. 1981. Vertigo (DE) = 20
765. Yello. Solid Pleasure. 1980. Vertigo (DE) = 20
764. Earl Klugh. Heart String. 1979. United Artists (DE) = 22
763. AC/DC. T.N.T. 1975. Albert Productions (NZ) = 75 (Gatefold)
761. Gerry Rafferty. Sleepwalking. 1982. Liberty (DE) = 14
760. The Cats. 1971. Emidisc (DE) = 13
759. Bob Marley. Riding High. 1982. Bellaphon (DE) = 18 (2xLP, Compilation, Gatefold)
758. Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly. The Greatest Hits Of. 1989. Capitol (DE) = 17 (NM)
757. Mantronix. This Should Move Ya. 1989. Capitol (EEC) = 14 (NM) Incl. Hit - Got To Have Your Love
756. Suzi Quatro. If you knew Suzi. 1978. RAK (DE) = 18
755. Glenn Miller Orchestra. Directed by Buddy de Franco. 1975. Europa (DE, NM-) = 16
754. iKe & Tina Turner. Live in Paris. 1971. Liberty (DE) = 18 (2xLP, Gatefold)
753. The Kinks. Golden Hour of. 1972. Golden Hour (DE) = 16
752. Bee Gees. Spirits Having Flown. 1979. RSO (DE) = 22 (Gatefold)
751. Smokie. Midnight Cafe. 1976. RAK (DE) = 22
701. Pink Floyd. Wish You Were Here. 1975. EMi (DE) = 25
278. Pink Floyd. Wish You Were Here. 1975. EMi = 18
95. Pink Floyd. Wish You Were Here. 1975. EMi (DE, OiS, NM-) = 30
749. Heartbreakers. L.A.M.F. 1977. Track (DE) = 36 (в Японию, за 44€)
748. Oasis. Rasa. 1974. Lotus Eye (SW) = 14
747. Boney M. Kalimba de Luna 16 happy songs. 1984. Hansa (DE, Compilation) = 45
746. Bad Boys Blue. Heart Beat. 1986. Coconut (DE) = 45
745. Al Bano & Romina Power. Effetto Amore. 1984. Baby (DE) = 13
744. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Star Gold. Fantasy (DE) = 18 (2xLP, Gatefold)
743. Saragossa Band. Agadou. 1981. Ariola (DE) = 14
742. Smokie. The Montreux Album. 1978. RAK (DE, FOC) = 18 18 Example - Mexican Girl
741. Electric Light Orchestra. Balance of Power. 1986. Jet (NL) = 14
740. Samantha Fox. Touch Me. 1986. Jive (DE) = 15
739. Andreas Vollenweider. Behind the Gardens - Behind The Wall - Under The Tree... 1981. CBS (DE) = 16
738. Black Sabbath. Greatest Hits. 1977. NEMS Edigsa (SP) = 24
737. Elvis Presley. Elvis Forever. 32 Hits And The Story Of A King. 1974. RCA (FR) = 16 (2xLP, Gatefold)
736. Santana. Abraxas. 1970. CBS (NL) = 16 (Gatefold)
735. Manfred Mann. Nightingales & Bombers. 1975. Bronze (NL) = 26
733. Scorpions. Virgin Killer. 1976. RCA (DE) = 25
732. Marillion. Script for a Jester's Tear. 1983. EMi (DE) = 15 (Gatefold)
731. Blue System. Twilight. 1989. Hansa (DE, NM-) = 26
730. Thomas Anders. Different. 1989. Teldec (DE) = 30
729. Eagles. Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975. 1976. Asylum (NL) = 17
728. Volker Kriegel. Lift! 1973. MPS (DE) = 32 (NM, Gatefold)
727. Don 'Sugar Cane' Harris. Fiddler on the Rock. 1971. MPS (DE) = 35 (NM, Gatefold)
726. King Crimson. In the Court of the Crimson King. 1969. Island (NL, FOC) = 38
725. Roxy Music. Greatest Hits. 1977. Polydor (DE) = 15
724. Boney M. Ten Thousand Lightyears. 1984. Hansa (DE, Club) = 35 Incl. Hit - Kalimba De Luna
723. Electric Light Orchestra. Discovery. 1979. Jet (NL, FOC, OiS) = 16 Incl. Hit. - Confusion
722. Village People. Cruisin'. 1978. Metronome (DE) = 16 Incl. Hit - Y.M.C.A.
721. Les McKeown. It's A Game. 1989. Hansa (DE) = 45 Incl. Hit - Love Is Just A Breath Away
720. Azymuth. Outubro. 1980. Milestone (DE) = 22
719. Black Box. Dreamland. 1990. Polydor (EEC) = 10 (Poster)
718. Psyche. Unveiling the Secret. 1986. Rose (FR, NM) = 30
717. J.J. Cale. Troubadour. 1976. Shelter (NL) = 13
716. Latin Quarter. Modern Times. 1985. Rockin' Horse (DE) = 14 Example - Modern Times
715. Rod Stewart. Body Wishes. 1983. Warner (DE) = 13
714. Depeche Mode. A Broken Frame. 1982. Mute (UK) = 25
713. Depeche Mode. Music For The Masses. 1987. Mute (DE, OiS with Lyrics, Blue) = 33
712. Depeche Mode. Speak and Spell. 1981. Mute (DE) = 23
711. Depeche Mode. 101. 1989. Mute (DE) = 45 (2xLP, Booklet)
710. Depeche Mode. Singles 81 - 85. 1985. Mute (DE) = 27 (NM, Gray, Gatefold)
709. Depeche Mode. Violator. 1990. Mute (DE) = 32
708. Depeche Mode. Some Great Reward. 1984. Mute (DE) = 25 (Grey)
707. Depeche Mode. Construction Time Again. 1983. Mute (DE, NM-) = 25
706. Depeche Mode. Black Celebration. 1986. Mute (iT) = 28
705. Frank Sinatra. Sinatra's Selection. Interdisc = 16
704. Paco de Lucia. plays Manuel de Falla. 1978. Philips (NL,Gatefold) = 18
703. Paco de Lucia. En Vivo desde el teatro real. 1975. Philips (SP) = 22 (NM, Poster)
702. Jethro Tull. 20 Years of Jethro Tull. 1988. Chrysalis (DE) = 30 (2xLP, NM, Gatefold)
699. Chris Rea. Dancing with strangers. 1987. Magnet (DE) = 14
698. Hot-Ice. Pall Mall Groove. 1977. Polydor (DE) = 25
697. Judas Priest. Point of Entry. 1981. CBS (NL) = 23
691-695, 696. Jethro Tull. 5 альбомов по 17
690. Tones on Tail. 1985. Situation Two (UK) = 25
689. Genesis. In the begining. 1969. Decca (UK) = 28 (NM)
688. Jean Michel Jarre. Musik Aus Zeit Und Raum. 1983. Polydor (DE) = 17
687. Jean Michel Jarre. Magnetic Fields. 1981. Polydor (DE) = 17
686. Jean Michel Jarre. Equinoxe. 1978. Disques Dreyfus (FR) = 16 Example - Equinoxe 4
685. David Bowie. Let's Dance. 1983. EMi (DE) = 22
684. David Bowie. Aladdin Sane. 1973. RCA (DE) = 27
681-683. Duran Duran = по 11 (все 3 = 30) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
680. Atlanta Rhythm Section. Quinella. 1981. CBS (NL) = 16
679. Toto. Past To Present. 1990. CBS (EEC, Compilation, VG+) = 15
676-678. ToTo. 3 альбома по 14
666-675. C.C.Catch. Hansa (DE) = по 14 (все 10 = 130) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
664-665. Modern Talking. Hansa (DE) = по 16 (все 2 = 30) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
663. Raggio Di Luna. Comanchero. 1984. Ariola (DE) = 12 (Maxi single, 45rpm) Example - Comanchero
662. Silent Circle. Touch in the night. 1985. Blow Up (DE) = 13 (Maxi single, 45rpm) Example - Touch in the night, Lost in Your light
660-661. Silent Circle. (DE)= по 13 (все 2 = 23) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
659. Scritti Politti. Provision. 1988. Warner Bros. (US, OiS) = 17 (M\M)
657-658. Fancy. Metronome (DE) = по 14 (все 2 = 25) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
652-655, 656. Modern Talking. Hansa (DE) = по 12 (все 4 = 45) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
651. Whitney Houston. 185. Arista (EEC) = 13
650. Electric Light Orchestra. Greatest Hits. 1979. Jet (NL) = 17
647-649. The Erasure. 3 альбома по 14
646. Kiss. Best of solo albums. 1979. Bellaphon (DE) = 18
645. Judas Priest. Ram it Down. 1988. CBS (NL) = 28
644. Dire Straits. Money For Nothing. 1988. Vertigo (NL, NM) = 24
643. Space. Magic Fly. 1977. Hansa (DE) = 30 Incl. Hit - Magic Fly
641. C.C.Catch. Welcome To The Heartbreak Hotel. 1986. Hansa (DE) = 25 (есть и др. экземпляры, за 30 и 35)
639. Sandra. Into a Secret Land. 1988. Virgin (DE) = 13 Incl. Hit - Secret Land
499. Sandra. Into a Secret Land. 1988. Virgin (DE) = 16
638. Demis Roussos. Forever and Ever. 1973. Philips = 18
637. La Bionda. 1978. Ariola (DE) = 27 (with Gatefold)
633-636. Tina Turner. 4 альбома по 16
632. Duran Duran. Rio. 1982. EMi (DE, OiS, VG+) = 22
631. Duran Duran. Seven and the Ragged Tiger. 1983. EMi (NL, OiS, VG+) = 22
628. Pet Shop Boys. Please. 1986. Parlophone (NL, OiS, DMM, VG+) = 17 Example - Suburbia
627. Farfarello. Saravah. 1990. Ariola (DE) = 16
626. Smokie. The Montreux Album. 1978. RAK (DE, FOC, OiS) = 18 Example - Mexican Girl
622-625. The Police. 4 альбома по 15
619, 620, 621. Phil Collins. 3 альбома (Face Value. Hello, I must be going. No Jacket Required) по 14
618. Iron Butterfly. In A Gadda Da Vida. 1968. Atlantic (DE) = 16
617. Meat Loaf. Hits out of hell. 1984. Epic (EEC) = 13
616. Smokie. The Other Side Of The Road. 1979. RAK (DE) = 18
615. Laurie Anderson. Big Science. 1982. Warner Bros. (DE) = 15
614. Mick Jagger. She's The Boss. 1985. CBS (NL) = 12
613. Pink Floyd. The Dark Side Of The Moon. 1973. Capitol (US, Picture, NM) = 55
612. Sandra. Ten on One (the singles). 1987. Virgin (DE) = 20 (NM, with Poster) Incl. Hit - Stop For A Minute
611. Scorpions. Gold Ballads. 1984. Harvest (DE, DMM, Compilation) = 20 (NM)
610. Chris Norman. Some Hearts are Diamonds. 1986. Hansa (DE) = 30 (Mint)
609. Eddy Huntington. U.S.S.R. 1986. ZYX (DE) = 15 (Maxi single, 45rpm) Incl. Hit - U.S.S.R.
608. Styx. Best of. 1977. Wooden (US) = 14
607. Scorpions. Love at first sting. 1984. Harvest (DE, OiS) = 23
605. The Cure. The Top. 1984. Fiction (DE) = 25
596-604. Blue System. Hansa (DE) = по 13 (все 9 = 110) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
595. Blue System. Obsession. 1990. Hansa (DE) = 23
594. Blue System. Body Heat. 1988. Hansa (DE) = 20
593. AlphaVille. Forever young. 1984. WEA (DE) = 20 (with Poster)
581-591. Bad Boys Blue. Coconut (DE) = по 13 (все 11 = 130) (Maxi single, 45rpm)
580. Bad Boys Blue. Mega-Mix. 1990. Coconut (DE) = 23 (Maxi single, 7 Hit songs, 45rpm)
579. Bad Boys Blue. Love is no Crime. 1987. Coconut (DE) = 40
577. Bad Boys Blue. Bad Boys Best. 1989. Coconut (DE) = 37 (Compilation)
576. Bad Boys Blue. More Bad Boys Best. 1992. Coconut (DE) = 50 (NM)
575. Modern Talking. Let's Talk About Love. 1985. Hansa (EEC) = 23
573. Modern Talking. Ready For Romance 1986. Hansa (DE) = 25
572. Pat Benatar. Best Shots. 1987. Chrysalis (DE) = 13
571. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 24
570. Chris de Burgh. The Very Best of. 1984. Telstar (UK) = 16
569. Mike Mareen. Love-Spy. 1986. ZYX (DE) = 15 (Maxi single, 45rpm) Incl. Hit - Love-Spy
568. Ben E. King. Stand by me. 1987. Atlantic (DE) = 16
567. Simply Red. A New Flame. 1989. WEA (DE) = 14
565. Robert Fripp, Andy Summers. I Advance Masked. 1982. EG (EEC) = 16 (В Норвегию, за 27€)
564. Roy Orbison. In Dreams the greatest hits. 1987. Virgin (DE) = 20 (2xLP)
563. Bryan Adams. Into The Fire. 1987. A&M (DE) = 13
561. Scorpions. Animal Magnetism. 1980. Harvest (DE) = 17
560. Super Horns. Miles Davis, Donald Byrd, Clark Terry, Freddie Hubbard. 1989. EXeL (UK) = 20
559. Ofra Haza. Shaday. 1988. Teldec (DE) = 17
558. Supermax. World Of Today. 1977. Atlantic (DE) = 20
557. Radiorama. Vampires. 1986. Ariola (DE, Maxi Single 45 rpm.) = 20 Incl. Hit - Vampires
556. Warlock. Triumph and Agony. 1987. Vertigo (DE, Ltd., Gatefold) = 23
555. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 17
554. Joy. Touch by Touch. 1985. OK Musica (DE) = 20 (Maxi single, 45rpm) Incl. Hit - Touch by Touch
553. Chris Rea. The Best of. 1988. WEA (DE) = 15
552. Judas Priest. The Best of. 1977. RCA (US) = 23
551. The Cure. Desintegration. 1989. Fiction (EEC) = 28
550. The Cure. The Top. 1984. Fiction (DE) = 26
549. The Cure. Mixed Up. 1990. Fiction (EEC) = 40 (2xLP)
548. The Cure. Pornography. 1982. Fiction (DE) = 23
547. The Cure. The Head on the Door. 1985. Fiction (DE) = 25
545. Vangelis. Soil Festivities. 1984. Polydor (DE) = 14
544. Melting Pot. The Hit Making Sound of Blue Mink. 1975. Gull (DE) = 13
543. Rage. Run for the night. 1983. Carrere (DE) = 13
542. Bob Dylan. The Freewheelin'. 1963. CBS (DE) = 5
541. Pink Floyd. Meddle. 1971. Harvest (FR, Gatefold) = 30
540. AC/DC. For Those About to Rock. 1981. Atlantic (DE, Gatefold) = 20
539. DiO. Sacred Heart. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 15
538. Tracy Chapman. 1988. Elektra (DE) = 15
537. Manfred Mann. Solar Fire. 1973. Bronze (DE, Gatefold) = 16
536. Eddy Grant. File Under Rock. 1988. Parlophone (EEC) = 14 Incl. Hit - Gimme Hope Joanna
535. AC/DC. Flick of the Switch. 1983. Atlantic (DE) = 18
534. Madonna. Like A Virgin. 1984. Sire (EEC, Maxi single, 45rpm) = 10 Incl. Hit - Like A Virgin and Stay
533. Modern Talking = 40 (4x7" Singl, 45rpm)
532. Les McKeown = 60 (4x7" Singles, 45rpm) Example Hit - Love Is Just A Breath Away
530. Accept. Kaizoku-Ban. 1985. RCA (DE) = 14
525-528. Modern Talking. Hansa (DE) = по 12 (все 4 = 40) (Maxi singl, 45rpm)
524. Modern Talking. In The Garden of Venus. 1987. Hansa (DE, NM-) = 28 (в РФ за 37€) Incl. Hit - In 100 Years.
523. Modern Talking. Romantic Warriors. 1987. Hansa (DE, Club) = 28 (в РФ за 37€) Incl. Hit - Jet Airliner.
522. Iron Maiden. Powerslave. 1984. EMi (DE) = 18
521. Status Quo. Piledriver. 1972. Vertigo (DE, FOC) = 18
520. Judas Priest. Defenders Of The Faith. 1984. CBS (NL) = 22
519. JAZZ. Non Stop. Delta Music (DE) = 30 (2xLP)
518. Billie Holiday. Lady sings the blues. Verve (FR) = 30 (MONO, A panoramic true H-Fi recording)
512-517. Joe Cocker. 6 альбомов по 15
510. Mass. Metal Fighter. 1983. Strand (DE) = 15
509. Iron Maiden.Killers. 1981. EMi (DE) = 15
508. Judas Priest. Turbo. 1986. CBS (UK) = 25
507. Roaring 20's Ragtime. Longines Symphonette Society (US) = 18
506. Jazz History. 1980. Jazz-Line (DE, 10xLP Box) = 75
505. Nazareth. The Ballad Album. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 16 Incl. Hit - Love Hurts
504. AC/DC. Let there be Rock. 1977. Atlantic (DE) = 20
503. Inxs. Kick. 1987. Mercury (NL, Gatefold) = 14
502. Status Quo. On the Level. 1975. Vertigo (DE, Gatefold) = 14
501. Hooters. Nervous Night. 1985. CBS (EEC) = 12
500. Pink Floyd. Atom Heart Mother. 1970. Harvest (UK, Gatefold) = 35
498. AC/DC. Fly on the Wall. 1985. Atlantic (DE) = 20
497. Bob Dylan. Greatest Hits. Vol.III. 1967. CBS (NL) = 18
496. Laid Back. ...Keep Smiling. 1983. Metronome (DE) = 27 Incl. Hit - Sunshine Reggae.
495. Jean Michel Jarre. Oxygene. 1976. Polydor (DE) = 17
494. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 21
493. Laura Branigan. Self Control. 1984. Atlantic (DE) = 25 Incl. Hit - Self Control.
492. Louis Armstrong. The Best of. Bellaphon (DE) = 15
491. Chris de Burgh. At The End Of A Perfect Day. 1977. A&M (DE) =14
490. Bob Marley & The Wailers. Legend the Best of. 1984. Island (DE) = 23
489. Depeche Mode. A Question Of Lust. = 150 (Single, Platin)
488. Electric Light Orchestra. Out of the Blue. 1977. United Artists (DE) = 22 (2xLP)
487. Ella Fitzgerald & Her Orchestra. Live from "Rose-land Ballroom". Jazline (DE) = 10
486. Noah. 1970. RCA (US) = 18
485. Queen. The Works. 1984. EMi (DE) = 17
483. Marillion. Misplaced Childhood. 1985. EMi (DE) = 24 (NM)
482. Scorpions. Savage Amusement. 1988. Harvest (DE) = 16
481. Electric Light Orchestra. Eldorado. 1974. United Artists (DE) = 15
480. Scorpions. Fly to the rainbow. 1974. RCA (DE) = 16
479. Shiny Gnomes. Colliding. 1990. Polydor (DE) = 12
478. Tina Turner. Private Dancer. 1984. Capitol (UK) = 40
477. Status Quo. Never too late. 1981. Vertigo (NL) = 16
476. Dire Straits. Making Movies. 1980. Vertigo (NL) = 18
475. Eruption. Fight Fight Fight. 1980. Hansa (DE) = 18
474. Accept. Restless and Wild. 1982. Brain (DE) = 16
473. Accept. Breaker. 1981. Brain (DE, OiS) = 18
472. Deep Purple. Perfect Strangers. 1984. Polydor (DE) = 18
471. Deep Purple. 24 carat Purple. 1975. Purple (UK) = 20
470. Mantovani. Charmaine. 1989. Amiga (GDR) = 10
469. Julio Iglesias. El Amor. 1975. Columbia (SP) = 15
468. AC/DC. If You Want Blood. 1978. Atlantic (DE) = 25
467. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 22
466. Pia Zadora. Let's Dance Tonight. 1984. Curb (DE) = 15 (Maxi single, 45rpm, Multi Color)
465. The iDle Strand. Blackberry Way. 1986. Blackberry (DE) = 15 (White color)
464. Michael Rother. Flammende Herzen. 1977. Sky (DE) = 13
463. Foreigner. Agent Provocateur. 1984. Atlantic (EEC) = 15
462. AC/DC. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. 1976. Atlantic (DE) = 20
461. Eric Clapton. Backtrackin'. 1984. Starblend (UK) = 18 (2xLP)
460. Genesis. Genesis (Mama). 1983. Vertigo (NL) = 18
459. Genesis. Duke. 1980. Charisma (DE) = 18
458. Genesis. Selling England By The Pound. 1973. Charisma = 18
457. Electric Light Orchestra. Time. 1981. Jet (NL) = 15
456. Sony in Action. Half speed test vinyl. 1982. CBS (DE) = 23
455. Dschinghis Khan. 7" singles 45rpm = 40 (за комплект из 5 шт.)
454. Benny Carter. The Best of. 1980, Pablo (US) = 18
453. Frank Sinatra & Tommy Dorsey. Jazz Live 1940. 1976. Cicala (iT) = 20
452. Van Halen. Same. 1978. Warner Bros. (DE) = 15
450. M. Walking on the water. P•l•u•t•o. 1989. Fuego (DE) = 13
448. Tyka Nelson. Royal Blue. 1988. Cooltempo (DE) = 14 (Blue color)
447. Barry White. Greatest Hit. 1975. Philips (DE, FOC) = 16
446. John Lee Hooker. The healer. 1989. Silvertone (EEC) = 18
445. George Benson. In Flight. 1977. Warner (DE, FOC) = 15
444. Tangerine Dream. Ricochet. 1975. Virgin (DE) = 22
443. Pet Shop Boys. West end girls. 1985. Parlophone (EEC, Maxi single, 45rpm) = 10
442. Suzi Quatro. Rock Hard. 1980. Dreamland (DE) = 18
441. Atlanta Rhythm Section. Underdog. 1979. Polydor (DE) = 13
440. Alice Cooper. Hey Stoopid. 1991. Epic (NL, OiS, VG+) = 22
439. Kraftwerk. Electric Cafe. 1986. EMi (EEC) = 40
437. Uriah Heep. Salisbury. 1971. Bronze (NL, FOC, NM-) = 28
436. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark (OMD). Pandora's Box. 1991. Virgin (EEC) = 10 (Maxi single, 45rpm)
435. Eric Clapton. Slowhand. 1977. RSO (DE) = 25
433. Rondo Veneziano. 1980. Baby (DE) = 13
432. ABBA. Live. 1986. Polydor (DE) = 17
430. Smokie. The Best of Smokie. 1990. Telstar (UK) = 15
429. ABBA. The Singles. The First Ten Years. 1982. Polydor (DE, 2xLP, Compilation) = 30
427. Diana Ross. Chain reaction. 1985. Capitol (DE) = 10 (Maxi single, 45rpm)
426. Kim Wilde. Another Step. 1986. MCA (DE) = 13
425. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD). Crush. 1985. Virgin (DE, OiS) = 13 Example - So In Love
424. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD). 1980. Virgin (DE) = 14 Example - Electricity
423. The Flirts. Made in America. 1985. Ariola (DE) = 13
422. AlphaVille. Afternoons in utopia. 1986. WEA (DE) = 14
421. AlphaVille. Forever young. 1984. WEA (DE) = 15
420. Pink Floyd. Animals. 1977. EMi (DE) = 30 (Gatefold)
419. Madness. The Rise & Fall. 1982. Stiff (DE, Gatefold) = 14
418. Talk Talk. It's my life. 1984. EMi (NL) = 15
417. Fine Young Cannibals. 1985. Metronome (DE) = 13
416. a-ha. Manhattan skyline. 1987. Warner Bros. (DE) = 10 (Maxi single 45rpm)
415. Supertramp. Even In The Quietest Moments. 1977. A&M (DE) = 16
414. Supertramp. Famous last words. 1982. A&M (US) = 17
413. The Police. Synchronicity. 1983. A&M (NL, OiS) = 15 Incl. Hit - Every Breath You Take
412. Madonna. True Blue. 1986. Sire (DE) = 15
411. Bad Boys Blue. Hot Girls, Bad Boys. 1985. Coconut (DE) = 35
410. George Michael. Faith. 1987. Epic (NL) = 15
409. Bonnie Tyler. Faster than the speed of night. 1983. CBS (NL) = 17
408. Queen. A kind of magic. 1986. EMi (EEC) = 17
407. The Kelly Family. Wonderful World! 1989. Kel-Life (DE) = 25
406. Depeche Mode. Music For The Masses. 1987. Mute (NL) = 25
405. Bad Boys Blue. Bad Boys Best. 1989. Coconut (DE) = 30
404. Cyndi Lauper. True colors. 1986. Portrait (NL) = 16
403. Sandra. Mirrors. 1986. Virgin (EEC, OiS) = 12
402. Sandra. The Long Play. 1985. Virgin (EEC) = 18
401. Bad Boys Blue. Heart Beat. 1986. Coconut (DE) = 45
400. Opus. Live is Live. 1984. Polydor (DE) = 25 (maxi single 45rpm)
399. Joy. Hello. 1986. OK Musica (DE) = 25 (maxi single 45rpm)
395. C.C.Catch. Hear What i Say. 1989. Metronome (DE, OiS) = 26 (есть и др. экземпляры, за 30 и 35)
393. The Doors. Waiting For The Sun. 1968. Elektra (DE) = 28
392. The Doors. An Oliver Stone film. 1991. Elektra (EEC) = 20
391. The Doors. The Doors. 1967. Elektra (DE) = 30
388. Bob Dylan. Oh Mercy. 1989. CBS (NL) = 22
387. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 20
386. Yello. You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess. 1983. Vertigo (DE) = 18
385. Thomas Anders. Different. 1989. Teldec (DE) = 27
384. Accept. Accept. 1980. Passport (US) = 16
383. Jethro Tull. Heavy Horses. 1978. Chrysalis (DE) = 16
382. Styx. Kilroy was here. 1983. A&M (NL) = 15
381. Bad Boys Blue. Bad Boys Best. 1989. Coconut (DE) = 30
380. Gloria Gaynor. Stories. 1980. Polydor (DE) = 14
379. Sinead O'Connor. The Lion And The Cobra. 1987. Chrysalis (DE) = 12
378. Sinead O'Connor. I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got. 1990. Ensign (DE) = 13
377. Genesis. We Can't Dance. 1991. Virgin (UK) = 28 (2xLP)
376. Dalbello. She. 1987. Capitol (DE) = 13
374. Modern Talking. Ready For Romance. 1986. Hansa (DE) = 28 (NM)
373. Modern Talking. Let's Talk About Love. 1985. Hansa (EEC) = 24
371. 10CC. Look Hear? 1980. Mercury (DE) = 13
370. Asia. Asia. 1982. Geffen (NL) = 13
369. Bryan Adams. Reckless. 1984. A&M (DE) = 12
368. The Human Menagerie. Cockney Rebel. 1973. EMi (DE) = 15
367. Leonard Cohen. Songs of Leonard Cohen. 1967. Columbia (US) = 15
366. Creedence Clearwater Revival. 20 Super Hits. 1972. Fantasy (DE) = 10
365. Frumpy. By the Way. 1972. Vertigo (DE) = 23
364. Stomu Yamashta. Go. 1976. EMi (FR) = 17 (во Францию, за 28€)
363. Stomu Yamashta. Go too. 1977. Arista (US) = 16
362. Journey. Captured. 1981. Columbia (US, 2xLP) = 18
359. Beggars Opera. Rock Heavies. Vertigo (DE) = 17
358. Sabrina. Sabrina. 1987. Chic (DE) = 18
357. Bad Boys Blue. Hot Girls, Bad Boys. 1985. Coconut (DE) = 30
356. Fancy. Gold. 1988. Metronome (DE) = 28
348. F.R.David. Words. 1982. Carrere (DE) = 33
354. Eddy Huntington. U.S.S.R. 1986. ZYX (DE) = 18 (Maxi)
352. Dire Straits. Making Movies. 1980. Vertigo (DE) = 15
351. Luciano Berio. Circles, Sequenza I, III, V. 1967. Wergo (DE) = 15
350. Charles Aznavour. All about love. 195x. Reprise (US) = 13
349. Axel Donner. Axel Donner Quartett. 1987. Amiga = 15
347. The George Shearing Quintet and Orchestra. Blue Chiffon. Capitol (UK) = 13
346. Pat Metheny. 80/81. 1980. ECM (DE) = 25 (2xLP)
345. Tanita Tikaram. Ancient Heart. 1988. WEA (DE) = 13
344. Tina Turner. Break every rule. 1987. Capitol (HU) = 12
343. Bon Jovi. New Jersey. 1988. Vertigo (NL) = 14
342. Bon Jovi. Slippery When Wet. 1986. Mercury (NL) = 14
341. Marilyn Monroe. The very best of. Fun (BG) = 10
340. The Steve Miller Band. Book of Dreams. 1977. Mercury (DE) = 18
339. Deep Purple. in Rock. 1970. Harvest (iT) = 28
338. Louis Armstrong. Sachmo '70 - Happy Birthday! 1970. CBS (DE, FOC, 2xLP) = 25
337. Eurythmics. For The Love Of Big Brother. 1984. RCA (USA) = 14
336. Eurythmics. Be Yourself Tonight . 1985. RCA (DE) = 14
335. Eurythmics. Savage. 1987. RCA (DE) = 14
334. Eurythmics. Sweet Dreams. 1983. RCA (DE) = 14 Example - Sweet Dreams
333. Eurythmics. Revenge. 1986. RCA (DE) = 14
332. Eurythmics. Touch. 1983. RCA (DE) = 14
330. Mike Oldfield. Discovery. 1984. Virgin (DE) = 14
329. The Window Speaks. Heartland. 1987. CBS (NL) = 12
328. Eagles. Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975. 1976. Asylum (UK) = 14
327. Glenn Miller Story. RCA Victor (DE) = 10 (Mono)
326. Attwenger. Most. 1991. Trikont = ?
325. Van Halen. 5150. 1986. Warner Bros. (EEC) = 15
324. Cher. Half-Breed. 1974. MCA (IT) = 18
323. Cher. Stars. 1975. Warner Bros. (US) = 18
322. Camouflage. Voices & Images. 1988. Metronome (DE) = 20
321. Camouflage. Methods Of Silence. 1989. Metronome (DE) = 20
320. Electric Light Orchestra. A New World Record. 1976. UAR (DE) = 14
319. The Nashville Gamblers. Original Country & Western Music. Europa (DE) = 10
318. Artists united against apartheid. Sun City. 1985. Manhattan (EEC) = 11
317. Capdevielle. Et Les Anges De La Rue. 1979. CBS (NL) = 12
316. Camel. Rain Dances. 1977. Decca (UK) = 15
315. Jean-Michel Jarre. Zoolook. 1985. Dreyfus (FR) = 16
314. The Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones. 1982. Amiga (GDR) = 13
313. The Rolling Stones. Tattoo You. 1981. RSR (iN) = 18 (в Японию, за 45€)
312. Jethro Tull. A Passion Play. 1973. Chrysalis (DE) = 16
310. Blonker. Windmills. 1981. Philips = 16
309. Wishbone Ash. Best Of Wishbone Ash. 1976. MCA (DE) = 14
308. Eric Clapton. Too Much Monkey Business. 1984. Astan (DE) = 16
307. Roxy Music. Avalon. 1982. EG (DE) = 14
306. Cream. I Feel Free. 1970. Karussell (DE) = 15
305. Dire Straits. Love Over Gold. 1982. Vertigo (DE) = 16
304. Dire Straits. Dire Straits. 1978. Vertigo (DE) = 16
303. Dire Straits. Communique. 1979. Vertigo (DE) = 16
301. Matt Bianco. Matt Bianco. 1986. WEA (Mex) = 13
300. Whitesnake. 1987. 1987. EMi (NL) = 26
299. Scorpions. Savage Amusement. 1988. Harvest (DE) = 16
298. Herbie Mann. Memphis underground. 1969. Atlantic (DE) = 14
297. Supertramp. Paris. 1980. A&M (NL) = 20 (2xLP)
296. Uriah Heep. The Best of... 1975. Bronze (DE, VG+) = 26 Example - Lady in Black
295. Chris Rea. Dancing with strangers. 1987. Magnet (DE) = 12
294. The Rolling Stones. Rolled Gold. 1975. Nova (DE) = 20
293. Queen. A day at the races. 1976. EMi (DE) = 17
292. Smokie. Greatest Hits. 1977. RAK (DE) = 14
290. Scorpions. Gold Ballads. 1984. Harvest (DE, DMM, Compilation) = 16
289. Scorpions. Love Drive. 1979. Harvest (NL) = 16
288. Accept. Metal Heart. 1985. RCA (DE) = 15
287. Marillion. Script for a Jester's Tear. 1983. EMi (DE) = 17
286. Whitesnake. Lovehunter. 1979. Liberty (DE) = 15
285. Marillion. Misplaced Childhood. 1985. EMi (FR, FOC, DMM) = 22 Example - Kayleigh Example - Kayleigh
284. Steve Hackett. Voyage of the Acolyte. 1975. Charisma (DE, FOC) = 13
283. Genesis, Three Sides Live. 1982. Vertigo (DE) = 18 (2xLP)
282. Genesis. Trespass. 1970. Charisma (DE) = 14
281. Genesis. Genesis (Mama). 1983. Vertigo (DE) = 16
280. Mike Oldfield. Platinum. 1979. Virgin = 15
279. Genesis. The lamb lies down on Broadway. 1974. Charisma = 20 (2xLP)
277. Accept. Hungry years. 1987. Metronome = 14
275. Stephanie, Live your Life. 1986. Carrere = 30
274. Kelly Family. The Very Best Over 10 Years. 1993 = 25
272. Marvin Gaye. I want you. 1976. Motown = 16
271. Status Quo. Hello! 1973. Vertigo = 15
270. Chris Rea. Auberge. 1991. EastWest = 16
269. Rod Steward. Greatest Hits. 1979. Warner = 15
265-268. U2. 4 альбома по 14 (2-ник = 22)
264. Supertramp. Crime of the century. 1974. A&M (DE) = 13
263. Yes. Tormato. 1978. Atlantic = 15
262. The Alan Parsons Project. Pyramid. 1978. Arista = 14
261. Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Watch. 1978. Bronze (DE) = 12
260. Felipe Campuzano. Andalucia Espiritual. 1978. Ambar (SP) = 18
259. Electric Light Orchestra. Time. 1981. Jet = 15
258. Al di Meola. Splendido hotel. 1980. CBS (NL, 2xLP, FOC, NM-) = 28
257. The modern jazz quartet. Fontessa. 1956. Atlantic = 17
256. Ursula Anders with F.Gulda. Opus Anders. 1980. Intercord = 27
255. Deep Purple. Deep Purple. 1969. Harvest (DE, G+) = 20
254. The Rolling Stones. Beggars Banquet. 1968. Decca (DE, FOC) = 17
253. The Rolling Stones. Time Waits For No One. 1977. RSR (PR, Compilation '71-'77) = 16
252. The Rolling Stones. The 30 Greatest Hits. Arcade (DE, FOC, Compilation, 2xLP) = 24
251. The Rolling Stones. Emotional Rescue. 1980. RSR (DE, OiS) = 18
250. Grace Jones. Slave to the rhythm. 1985. EMi = 15
249. The Twins. Hold on to Your dreams. 1987. CBS = 20 (В Литву, за 16€)
248. The Doors. Star-Collection. 1973. Midi (DE, Compilation) = 17
247. The Moody Blues. The Best of. 1975. Threshold = 20 (2xLP)
246. Genesis. ...and then there were three. 1978. Charisma (DE, FOC) = 14
245. Genesis. Wind & Wuthering. 1976. Charisma (DE) = 14
244. Genesis. Seconds Out. 1977. Charisma (DE, 2xLP) = 20
243. Genesis. A Trick of the Tail. 1975. Charisma (DE, FOC) = 12
242. The Doors. Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine. 1972. Elektra (DE, 2xLP) = 25
236-241. ABBA. 6 альбомов по 14
235. Ella Fitzgerald And Louis Armstrong. Porgy And Bess. Bertelsmann = 10
234. Stevie Nicks. Rock A Little. 1985. Parlophone = 13
233. Jethro Tull. Stormwatch. 1979. Chrysalis = 16
230. Pink Cream. 69. 1989. Epic = 18
229. Boston. Third stage. 1986. MCA = 13
228. ZZ Top. El loco. 1981. Warner Bros. = 15
227. ZZ Top. Afterburner. 1985. Warner Bros. = 13
226. Chris de Burgh. Same. 1986. Amiga (GDR) = 10
225. Chaka Khan. I feel for You. 1984. Warner Bros. = 16
224. Michael Jackson. Thriller. 1982. Epic = 22
223. Michael Jackson. Bad. 1987. Epic = 22
222. Dean Reed. Country. Amiga = 10
221. Karen Lawrence. Rip and tear. 1986. Revolver = 14
220. Neil Diamond. I'm Glad You're Here With Me Tonight. 1977. Amiga = 10
219. The Fixx. Phantoms. 1984. MCA = 12
218. Vangelis. Greatest Hits. 1986. Amiga = 12
217. Ekseption. 5. 1972. Philips = 14
216. Yello. Stella. 1985. Vertigo (DE) = 16
214. Jair Rodrigues. Jair De Todos Os Sambas. 1969. Philips = 10
213. Charles Aznavour. 1968. Amiga = 10
211. Modern Talking. In The Garden of Venus. 1987. Hansa (DE) = 28 (NM) Incl. Hit - In 100 Years.
210. Anthony Braxton. Solo, Live At Moers Festival 1974. Moers Music = 25
209. Duke Ellington. The Best Of. 1970. Joker = 15
208. The Manhattan Transfer. The Best of. 1981. Atlantic = 16
207. George Benson. White Rabbit. 1972. CTi = 17
206. Sarah Vaughan. Brazilian Romance. 1987. CBS (NL) = 19
205. George Benson. Blue Benson. 1976. Polydor (FR) = 17
204. Wynton Marsalis. Hot House Flowers. 1984. Columbia = 20
203. Glenn Miller. The Best Of. Capriole = 16
202. Ray Charles. Greatest Hits, Vol.1. 1988. Rhino = 18
201. Larry Coryell. Bolero. 1981. Philips = 18
200. Mikis Theodorakis. Greek Popular Music. 1974. Metronome = 20 (2xLP)
199. Chick Corea. Inner space. 1973. Atlantic (DE) = 25 (2xLP)
187-198. Серия "Архив популярной музыки". Мелодия. = 5-7
186. Sammy Vomacka. Come to my kitchen. 1975. Stockfisch = 22
185. Sammy Vomacka. Ragtime guitar. 1974. Stockfisch = 18
184. Werner Lammerhirt. Ten Thousand Miles. 1974. Stockfisch = 18
183. Stefan Grossman. My Creole Belle. 1976. Transatlantic = 18
182. Gitarrenspiele /W.Lammerhirt, D.Qualey, P.Finger, J.Galan, M.Kolbe и др./. 1980. Stockfisch = 20
181. Cock Robin. 1985. CBS = 13
180. Hannes Wader. 7 lieder. 1972. Philips = 13
179. Londonbeat. In the blood. 1990. Anxious = 15
178. Lionel Richie. Can't Slow Down. 1983. Motown = 13
177. Kris Kristofferson. Me and Bobby McGee. 1974. Monument = 15
176. Sade. Diamond Life. 1984. Epic = 16
175. Peter Maffay. Revanche. 1980. Metronome = 13
174. Men at work. Two hearts. 1983. CBS = 13
173. Skid Row. Slave To The Grind. 1991. Atlantic (DE, OiS) =
172. Steve Winwood. Back in the high life. 1986. Island = 12
171. Cyndi Lauper. She's So Unusual. 1983. Epic = 13
170. The Byrds. Greatest Hits. 1976. Embassy = 13
169. Barry White. Is This Whatcha Wont? 1976. 20th Century (DE) = 15
168. The Dubliners. The Best Of. 1973-74. Polydor = 13
167. Edith Piaf. 1980. MFP = 13
166. John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, Paco De Lucia. Friday Night In San Francisco. 1981. Philips = 17
165. The Stranglers. The Collection 1977-1982. 1982. Liberty (DE) = 13
164. Marietta. Fire and Ice. 1986. CBS = 10
163. The Steve Miller Band. Abracadabra. 1982. Mercury (DE, OiS, NM-) = 22 Example - Abracadabra
162. John Waite. No Brakes. 1984. EMi = 13
161. The J.Geils Band. Love Stinks. 1980. EMi = 12
160. Chicago. Chicago's Greatest Hits. 1975. CBS = 13
159. Status Quo. Just Supposin. 1980. Vertigo = 15
158. Santana. Santana's Greatest Hits. 1974. CBS (NL, OiS, NM-) = 17
157. Genesis. Invisible Touch. 1986. Virgin (DE, OiS) = 18 (NM-) Example - Invisible Touch
155. Supertramp. Breakfast in America. 1979. A&M Records = 17
154. A-Ha. Hunting high and low. 1986. Warner Bros. = 16
151. The Rolling Stones. After-Math. 1965. Nova (DE) = 22
152. The Rolling Stones. Vol.2. 1964. Decca (DE) = 24
153. The Rolling Stones. Satisfaction, 1979. Decca (DE, OiS, Compilation) = 24 (NM-)
150. Eric Clapton. August. 1986. Warner Bros. (DE, FOC) = 21 (NM-)
149. Eric Clapton. Time Pieces - The Best Of. 1982. RSO (DE, Compilation) = 20 (NM-)
148. Eric Clapton. Money And Cigarettes. 1983. Duck (DE, OiS) = 19 (NM-)
147. Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida, ABBA). Somesing Going On. 1982. Polydor (DE) = 16 (Club)
146. Agnetha Faltskog (ABBA). Eyes Of A Woman. 1985. Polydor (DE) = 15
145. ABBA. Honey, Honey. 1979. Polydor (DE) = 18
144. ABBA. Voulez-Vous. 1979. Disques Vogue (FR) = 14
143. Dire Straits. Love Over Gold. 1982. Vertigo (DE) = 15
142. Dire Straits. Making Movies. 1980. Vertigo (DE) = 17 (Club)
141. Dire Straits. Communique. 1979. Vertigo (DE) = 15
140. Dire Straits. Dire Straits. 1978. Vertigo (DE) = 15
135. The Alan Parsons Project. Eye In The Sky. 1982. Arista (ECC) = 16
134. The Alan Parsons Project. Eve. 1979. Arista (DE, Gatefold) = 16
133. Boney M. Oceans Of Fantasy. 1979. Atlantic (UK, OiS with Lyrics, FOC, Poster) = 20 Example - Gotta Go Home
128,129,130,131,132. Boney M. 3 альбома по 16
127. Chris de Burgh. Into The Light . 1986. A&M (NL) = 16
126. Chris de Burgh. Man On The Line. 1984. A&M (NL) = 16
125. Chris de Burgh. The Getaway. 1982. A&M (NL) = 16
124. Chris de Burgh. Best Moves. 1981. A&M (NL) = 16
123. Chris de Burgh. Crusader. 1979. A&M (NL) = 16
122. Chris de Burgh. Eastern Wind. 1980. A&M (NL) = 16
121. Chris de Burgh. At The End Of A Perfect Day. 1977. A&M (NL) = 16
120. Chris de Burgh. Spanish Train And Other Stories. 1975. A&M (NL) = 16
119. Chris de Burgh. Far Beyond These Castle Walls. 1974. A&M (NL) = 16
118. The Doors. Зажги во мне огонь. 1988. Мелодия = 7
117. Рафаэлла Карра. 1980. Мелодия = 4
116. Demis Roussos. Die Nacht Und Der Wein. 1976. Philips = 8
115. Greenpeace. Breakthrough. 1989. Мелодия = 8 (2LP)
114. Diana Ross. 1987. Balkanton = 6
113. Modern Talking. Ready For Romance. 1986. Мелодия (RU) = 14
112. Paul McCartney, Flowers in the dirt. 1990. Мелодия = 6
111. Billy Bragg. Talking with the Taxman about Poetry. 1986. Zona (Li) = 8
110. Крис Ри. 1988. Мелодия = 6
109. Rainbow. Ансамбль Rainbow. 1988. Мелодия = 6
108. Блэк Саббат. Black Sabbath. 1990. Мелодия = 6
107. Vanity. Skin On Skin. 1986. Motown = 13
106. Huey Lewis and The News. Fore!. 1986. Chrysalis = 13
105. Stevie Wonder. Greatest Hits. 1985. BTA = 11
104. The Philly Rollers. Super Soul. 1977. SpringBoard = 12
103. Night Ranger. 7 Wishes. 1985. MCA = 13
102. Neil Larsen. Through any window, 1987, MCA = 13
100. Dann Rogers. Still runnin. 1987. MCA = 12
99. Steve Wariner. I Should Be With You. 1988. MCA = 13
98. Queen. A day at the races. 1976. EMi (DE, FOC, OiS) = 25
97. Nona Hendryx. Female Trouble. 1987. EMi = 12
96. Depeche Mode. Some Great Reward. 1984. Mute (DE, Grey, DMM, VG+) = 25
94. Jean Michel Jarre. Equinoxe. 1978. Disques Dreyfus (FR) = 16 (NM-) Example - Equinoxe 4
93. Andy White. Himself. 1991. Zona Records = 10
92. Roxette. Joyride. 1991. BRS = 5
91. Duran Duran. Liberty. 1990. ДRT = 4
90. Modern Talking. Let's Talk About Love. 1985. Мелодия (RU, NM-) = 16
89. ABBA. The very best of ABBA. 1976. Polydor (DE, Compilation, 2xLP) = 20
88. Marillion. B'Sides Themselves. 1988. EMi = 15
87. Marillion. Clutching at Straws. 1987. EMi (DE, OiS with Lyrics, DMM) = 18 (NM-)
86. Marillion. Misplaced Childhood. 1985. EMi (DE, Art Painted Cover) = 22 (NM-) Example - Kayleigh
85. Marillion. Assassing. 1984. EMi = 10 (Maxi single)
84. Marillion. Garden Party. 1983. EMi = 10 (Maxi single)
83. Marillion. Incommunicado. 1987. EMi = 10 (Maxi single)
82. Marillion. Script for a Jester's Tear. 1983. EMi = 18
81. Genesis. Genesis (Mama). 1983. Vertigo = 24
79. Genesis. Foxtrot. 1972. Charisma = 17
77. The Family. The Family. 1987. Paisley = 17
76. Go West. Dancing on the couch. 1987. Chrysalis = 16
75. Startled Insects. Curse of the pheromones. 1987. Antilles = 17
74. El DeBarge. El DeBarge. 1986. Gordy = 14
73. Esquire. Esquire. 1987. Geffen = 16
72. Doctor & the Medic. Laughing at the pieces. 1986. IRS = 14
71. Beat Rodeo. Staying out late with. 1985. IRS = 14
70. Stacy Lattisaw. Personal Attention. 1988. Motown = 14
69. Jack Wagner. Don't give up your day job. 1987. Qwest = 14
68. Divinyls. What A Life! 1985. Chrysalis = 14
67. Device. 22B3. 1986. Chrysalis = 14
66. Pato Banton. Visions Of The World. 1989. IRS = 13
65. Gap Band. Gap Band VI. 1984. Total Experience = 13
64. Alex Rozum. Lost to the street. 1988. Warner Bros. = 15
63. The Fixx. Phantoms. 1984. MCA = 14
62. Doctor and The Medics. I Keep Thinking it`s Tuesday. 1987. IRS = 13
60. Robin Beck. Trouble Or Nothing. 1989. Metronome = 13
57. The Beach Boys. MFP (DE, Compilation 62-68 г.г.) = 14 Example - Miserlou
56. Animotion. Strange Behavior. 1986. Casablanca = 11
55. Rory Gallagher. Live in Europe. 1972. Polydor = 12
54. The Les Humphries Singers. We'll Fly You To The Promised Land. 1972. Stern = 12
53. ToTo. 1978. CBS (DE) = 14
52. Bruce Springsteen. The River. 1980. CBS = 18 (2xLP)
51. Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Pictures at an exhibition Mussorgsky. 1977. Manticore = 17
50. Ike & Tina Turner. Outta Season. 1973. Sunset = 12
49. Kid Creole & The Coconuts. Tropical Gangsters. 1982. Island = 13
48. Neil Diamond. Greatest Hits. 1970. Bellaphon = 12
47. John Cougar. American Fool. 1982. WEA = 12
46. Sam Brown. Stop! 1988. A&M Records = 15
45. Jethro Tull. Crest of a knave. 1987. Chrysalis = 16
44. Richard Marx. Repeat offender. 1989. EMi (US) = 13
43. David Knopfler. Behind the lines. 1984. Intercord = 13
42. AlphaVille. Forever young. 1984. WEA = 15
41. Donna Summer. I remember yesterday. 1977. Atlantic = 15
40. Seven Drunken Nights. The Dubliners. 1967. EMi = 17 (2LP)
39. Eagles. Hotel California. 1976. Asylum = 16
38. Simon and Garfunkel. The concert in central park. 1982. Geffen = 22 (2LP)
37. Lisa Stansfield. Affection.1989. Arista = 14
36. U2. The Joshua Tree. 1987. Island = 15
35. Nazareth. Rock Angels. 1972. Fontana = 13
34. Barclay James Harvest. Octoberon. 1976. MCA = 14
33. Barclay James Harvest. Eyes of the Universe. 1979. Polydor = 12
32. Barclay James Harvest. Ring of Changes. 1983. Polydor = 14
31. Neil Diamond. Ein Live-Konzert Aus Dem Greek Theatre, Los Angeles. 1972. MCA = 13
30. Neil Diamond. World Hits. 1974. Bellaphon = 13
29. Patti Smith Group. Wave. 1979. Arista = 15
28. The Rolling Stones. Gimme Shelter. 1971. Decca = 14
27. Joe Cocker. Luxury You Can Afford. 1978. Asylum (DE) = 15
26. Sandra. Mirrors. 1986. Virgin (EEC, OiS) = 16
25. The Who. Tommy. 1969. Polydor = 24 (2xLP)
24. Fleetwood Mac. Rumours. 1977. WEA = 15
23. Queen. Live Killers. 1979. EMi = 30 (2xLP)
22. The Beatles. 1967-1970. 1973. EMi = 25 (2xLP)
21. The Beatles. 1962-1966. 1973. EMi = 25 (2xLP)
20. Matt Bianco. Whose side are You on. 1984. WEA = 12
19. The Alan Parsons Project. The turn of a friendly card. 1980. Arista = 14
18. The Alan Parsons Project. Tales of mystery and imagination Edgar Allan Poe. 1976. 20th Century = 13
17. Deep Purple. Made in Japan. 1972. Purple Records = 25 (2xLP)
16. Elton John. Reg Strikers Back. 1988. Wiliam A. Bong = 13
15. Frank Duval & orchestra. Angel of mine. 1981. TELDEC = 12
14. The Beatles. Rock n Roll Music, Vol.1. 1980. EMi = 17
13. Kate Bush. The kickinside. 1978. EMi = 14
12. Kate Bush. Lionheart. 1978. EMi = 14
11. Robert Palmer. Pride. 1983. Island = 14
10. Grace Jones. Island Life. 1985. Island = 13
0. No Name - не продается!