Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (Gravetter)

  • custom edition. Compiled by utrecht University. на английском языкеГомель
№ 25367545 406 раз 14 часов назад
  • Pharmaciya Junior MemberАвтор объявления
    Pharmaciya Junior Member Автор объявления


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    # 20 августа 2022 13:17

    Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau.

    This custom textbook was compiled by your lecturer specifically for your course. Custom publishing enables content to be optimised for a particular course or study programme. Material from across the Cengage Learning portfolio can be combined and reordered to create a perfectly tailored course solution. Custom texts are available as a printed book or as an e-book. Cengage Learning technology and homework solutions such as Aplia and CourseMate can be added to the custom text as a pin code card. Lecturers/course leaders can choose from our extensive gallery of custom covers and add an institution logo or branding as required. Lecturers can also add their own material to the custom text - for example, lecturer notes, exercises, PowerPoint slides or sample questions - providing the student with a complete course book.

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